
The objectives will be achieved by 6 main actions:

Management and Coordination of the Action includes all activities related to the general management and coordination of the action (meetings, coordination, project monitoring and evaluation, financial management).

Review and analysis of existing large wildfires prevention measures and Preparedness actions aims at providing the state of the art on large wildfires management in Europe, by collecting and classifying relevant information for a cost evaluation of fuel management, fire-fighting training, and suppression measures under climate change and increased environmental uncertainty.

Large fires case studies analysis investigates how biophysical, social, and economic interactions between external drivers and forest/fuel management alternatives can deliver the tools for an integrative landscape scale approach, to mitigate the risk of wildfires developing into large fires.

Fuel management smart solutions towards fire resilient landscapes assesses best fuel management solutions integrating prevention, rural and peri-urban land management, and preparedness.

Decision support for effective fuel management aims at developing a Decision Support System and an automated tool based on free software to plan smart solutions and optimize fuel treatments that can be effective in large wildfire suppression at the water catchment scale.

Communication strategy defines and implements a communication strategy to provide information about policy recommendations for large fire mitigation actions, to create a knowledge exchange platform on large wildfires management and to share best practices in the EU macro- region and beyond.

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Duration Starting date End date Total eligible cost EC Contribution Financing rate
24 Months
€ 662,522.60
€ 496,891.58

Grant Agreement No. 826400-PREVAIL-UCPM-2018-PP-AG